Key Insights on Working With Children Check Exclusions

Key Insights on Working With Children Check Exclusions

Being investigated for, or charged with, a criminal offence can sometimes have unintended consequences. One of those consequences includes the loss of a Working With Children Check. This can have a serious impact on your career or volunteer work, if it involves...
Going to Court for the First Time 

Going to Court for the First Time 

If you have been summonsed to Court for the first time, you may be justifiably nervous and unsure about what to do when you go to court for the first time. Criminal lawyers go to court all the time and sometimes we forget that, for others, it is a completely new and...
Mandatory Men’s Behaviour Change Programs 

Mandatory Men’s Behaviour Change Programs 

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the complex and sensitive issues surrounding family violence. As the community strives towards greater gender equality and safety, one critical aspect of this effort involves providing effective support for...