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Executive Assistant / Office Administrator Required
We are a busy boutique criminal defence law practice located centrally in the Melbourne CBD. We are looking for an Executive Assistant and Office Manager to join our friendly and dynamic team. The role is full time and located in our modern Queen Street Office. We are...
Workplace Crime: When to Engage a Lawyer
Workplace related offending, which risk the health and safety of employees has been a part of our law for a very long time. WorkSafe investigates and prosecutes employers in circumstances where their workplaces pose a risk to their workers, or attendees, and when...
You’ve Been Arrested – 7 Things You Should Do Immediately
1. Stay Calm: This may be the hardest thing to achieve, but if achieved it will make all the difference. Remember that you must be arrested before you can be interviewed. The law says that this is required so that you have your rights read to you and so that you...
The Law Surrounding Different Assault Offences
Assault offences in Victoria range in seriousness from the lowest level offending, where a person may not even be touched during the course of an assault, through to attempted murder which is dealt with in the Supreme Court. Depending on the severity of the assault,...
The Rule of Law
Have you ever wondered why so much about law seems “technical”. Courtroom dramas are full of lawyers jumping up and down saying “objection, your Honour”, and then the judge responding “Overruled” or “Sustained”. You can spend hours, even days, in a court and hear...
What You Need to Know at the Start of a Criminal Matter
1. You don’t have to attend a Police Station as soon as Police contact you Police can get a warrant and come and arrest you. Everyone knows that. However, where they don’t have sufficient grounds for a warrant, or don’t want to come unannounced, they will contact you...
What are my Rights when I am Under Arrest?
1. You need to be told that you are under arrest and presented with a warrant (if it exists) Law enforcement can arrest you via two avenues; A Warrant; or Where the person is found to be committing an offence and where the Police member believes on reasonable grounds...
What is the Process of Applying for Bail in Victoria?
Applying for bail after being remanded in custody is a uniquely confusing and stressful experience for an accused person and their family. The process of making the application will depend on a number of factors, including: The offence alleged; Whether the accused was...
5 Things to Consider Before Choosing A Criminal Defence Lawyer
Choosing a Criminal Defence Lawyer to represent you or your loved one is a significant decision to make. Not only are you trusting your lawyer to give you the best legal advice, you are also trusting them to make the best decisions in your case, to stay on top of...