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Open Letter to Corrections Victoria

Open Letter to Corrections Victoria

This afternoon, our office wrote an Open Letter to the Minister for Corrections, Ben Carroll, the Commissioner for Corrections Emma Cassar and the Assistant Commissioner for Corrections, Jenny Hoskins. This letter reflects the concerns that have been communicated to...

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Magistrates’ Court Protocol for COVID-19

Magistrates’ Court Protocol for COVID-19

The Magistrates' Court has announced is amended procedures for all stakeholders in the Court, including criminal defence lawyers, accused persons and parties to Intervention Order and Disciplinary Proceedings. Please find the announcement here.

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The Courts’ Response to COVID-19

The Courts’ Response to COVID-19

The Supreme Court has produced a Statement that outlines what the Courts are considering when it comes to preventing the spread of COVID-19 (or 'Coronavirus'). These will include more flexible working arrangements, tele-Court and staggering the Court lists. You can...

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Notice to our Clients – COVID-19 Protocol & Precautions

Notice to our Clients – COVID-19 Protocol & Precautions

As of the time of writing, we have received limited advice from the Justice Department, Law Institute or Courts in relation to how criminal proceedings may be affected by closures, quarantines and restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. What we know,...

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Second Chance Appeals (‘Orman’s Law) Come Into Effect

Second Chance Appeals (‘Orman’s Law) Come Into Effect

We are delighted that second chance appeals have come into effect which allows people to appeal to the Court of Appeal where they have previously exhausted their right to appeal conviction. Exhaustion can occur where leave to appeal has not been granted or the appeal...

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The Bourke Street Coronial Inquest and Bail Reform

The Bourke Street Coronial Inquest and Bail Reform

The Coroner's Court is currently examining the circumstances leading up to the Bourke Street Rampage and what steps could have been taken to prevent it, including decisions regarding bail. Our Principal, Ruth Parker, spoke to Raf Epstein on ABC Drive about Bail in...

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A Preview of Ruth Parker’s Appearance on 4 Corners

A Preview of Ruth Parker’s Appearance on 4 Corners

On 21 October 2019, our Principal, Ruth Parker, will appear on ABC's Four Corners speaking about Nicola Gobbo and Police corruption. She is joined by former Senior Crown Prosecutor Gavin Silbert SC and former Inspector Ian Baker. Click here for a preview.

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Khalid Baker’s Fight for Exoneration

Khalid Baker’s Fight for Exoneration

We are so proud to call Khalid a client and friend of our firm. He has been through more than any person should have to endure and he came out fighting. Watch his incredible story here.

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