Webex Etiquette

Webex Etiquette

It may go without saying to some, but still the reality of Webex is that people appear in Court from home and so, inevitably, bring home into the Court room. Over the past 18 months, we have seen various and many strange things happen as people appear from home. There...
Victoria’s New Spent Conviction Scheme

Victoria’s New Spent Conviction Scheme

On 30 March 2021, the Victorian Spent Conviction Scheme was granted Royal Assent. Aspects of the legislation are now in effect, with the remainder coming into effect in December 2021 and July 2022. The scheme allows for convictions to be automatically spent or spent...
Changes to De Novo Appeals due in 6 months

Changes to De Novo Appeals due in 6 months

The Justice Legislation Amendment (Criminal Appeals) Bill 2019 was passed by the Andrews Government in 2019 with the changes coming into effect as of July 1 2020. The key change of this bill was the abolishment of De Novo appeals. What are De Novo Appeals? De Novo...