New Rules to Impound Cars driven by Drink Drivers

New Rules to Impound Cars driven by Drink Drivers

Legislation Update – As of 1 August 2015, first time drink driving offenders with readings over 0.1 BAC, will face significant fines, periods of licence disqualified, and the impound of the vehicle they were driving for 30 days. Police Minister Wade Noonan announced...
New Drink and Drug Driving Offence in Victoria

New Drink and Drug Driving Offence in Victoria

Next month a new offence will be introduced into the Road Safety Act of Drink & Drug Driving. This offence specifically targets those who are intercepted driving whilst the prescribed concentration of alcohol and drugs are in their system. Previously there have...
New Victoria Police Pursuits Policy Announced

New Victoria Police Pursuits Policy Announced

Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill has announced changes to the Victoria Police Pursuits Policy to prioritise public safety. These changes arise from concerns that Police pursuits actually increase the danger to the public and are unnecessary given the other...