Ruth Shann – Barrister Profile

Ruth Shann – Barrister Profile

It is a difficult task to adequately describe the abilities and aptitude of a barrister like Ruth Shann. Her praises are sung by criminal defence lawyers and judiciary alike. Her successes have been significant and many high profile. Yet she is only 36 years...
Understanding the Criminal Process

Understanding the Criminal Process

Understanding the Criminal Process – Unless you have been through it before, you will likely be very confused with the criminal process. Often, which direction your matter takes depends on a number of factors, including the strength of the evidence and how you want to...
Bail Applications in Victoria

Bail Applications in Victoria

Any person who has been incarcerated for any period of time understands the incredible impact that this deprivation of liberty has on the individual. Every person admitted into custody, whether it is their first time or not, finds their initial introduction into...
County Court welcomes new judge Sara Hinchey

County Court welcomes new judge Sara Hinchey

The Court Court has welcomed its recent appointment, Her Honour Judge Sara Hinchey, to the bench. Judge Hinchey commenced her appointment on 4 June 2015. Judge Hinchey, previously of the Victorian Bar, is an experienced advocate, in both the civil and criminal...
Have you been summonsed before IBAC?

Have you been summonsed before IBAC?

Since the introduction of the Independent Broadbased Anti-Corruption Commission Act (2011), IBAC has commenced investigations in to corruption at various levels of government and within government agencies. It is independent and has significant powers to investigate...