Drug Offence Lawyers
Galbally Parker provided me with the perfect balance of professional and empathetic advice that helped me achieve the best possible outcome to my legal matter.
I believed they genuinely cared about my wellbeing and I never once felt I was ‘just another client’. I would strongly recommend anybody who is going through a legal matter of their own to contact them.
March 2023
Why You Need An Experienced Drug Offence Lawyer
Our criminal defence lawyers are experienced drug possession lawyers and have been trusted by thousands of clients over decades to represent them when charged with drug offences and facing prosecution in all courts in Victoria. The best drug charge lawyer available can make the difference to your prospects of success and outcome of your case.
Our drug offence lawyers regularly assist clients to engage with drug and alcohol bail programs (CISP & CREDIT bail) and to successfully navigate their way through the Court system effectively and compassionately. We challenge you to find another website where you get the kind of information that you will find on our site, which is both up to date and extensive.
Frequently Asked Questions of Drug Offence Lawyers:
- Do I need a drug charge lawyer for a drug case? It is always best to at least consult with a lawyer before going to Court and representing yourself. There are differences between different drug charges and, even at a Magistrates’ Court level, the outcomes can be severe. Even if you just have an initial consultation, you will obtain the guidance required to understand your situation and whether you should engage a lawyer moving forward.
- Does the Magistrate or Judge take into account drug addiction? Any person passing sentence on you will have to take all subjective factors into account. Drug addiction is acknowledged as a medical condition and it can affect people in so many ways. These ways need to be explored and properly explained to the Court. If you or someone you care about is struggling with a drug or alcohol abuse problem, please refer to the links at the end of this page.
- Do I have to go to jail or prison for drug offences? No. In drug matters dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court, particularly with first time or young offenders, the Court is required to consider every other option besides incarceration. We have more information about other sentencing options available at this site. Jail or prison is not inevitable! But matters need to be well prepared.
What You Should Know about Working with a Drug Possession Lawyer
Drug charges are prevalent matters before the court, but shouldn’t be treated as a small issue. Instead, you need to respect the fact that if you are found guilty of the charge, it can have a significant impact on your life thereafter. Consider the following points of how to get the most benefit of working with a drug offence offence lawyer:
- Focus Matters – There’s a significant difference between working with a general attorney and working with a specialist drug possession lawyer. The latter will have firsthand experience working on dozens of drug defence cases related to possession and intimately know the way that the court works when prosecuting these charges.
- Recognising the Problem – Sometimes, drug charges come about as a result of what is actually a struggle against drug or alcohol abuse problems. These problems deserve compassion rather than jail time, and arranging for a positive solution to this issue is a core component to many successful criminal defences.
- Quantity Matters – The seriousness of the charge is often affected by how large of a quantity the government accused you of possessing. While it may vary depending on the substance, the relevant quantities are:
- Small Quantity – usually around 1g
- Trafficable Quantity – usually around 3g
- Commercial Quantity – usually between 100g and 250g
- Large Commercial Quantity – often exceeding 750kg
- Common Substances – The most common substances that result in criminal charges are methylamphetamine (“ice”), amphetamine (“speed”), diacetylmorphine (“heroin”), cocaine, cannabis or cannabinoids, ecstasy or MDMA, and pseudoepinephrine. Each of these substances has its own rules regarding possession charges, the quantities to warrant certain charges, and the approach that your lawyer may take. Our team of drug offence lawyers has experience working with clients related to each of these, so no matter what substance was involved, you can still benefit from our experience.
It takes decades of experience to truly understand the intricacies of formulating an effective approach to drug-related criminal defence. Fortunately, Galbally Parker has a team of drug possession lawyers who have spent that time focusing on precisely this kind of criminal matter. No matter what your circumstances are, we can help you formulate the best possible defence to increase your odds of avoiding criminal verdicts and prison time.
The Importance of Finding the Best Drug Offence Lawyer
Drug offence matters often attract significant prison time. The stakes for our clients could not be higher. Galbally Parker Lawyers are the best and most experienced firm in handling large and complex drug trafficking matters, which often include drug analysis, surveillance and telephone intercept evidence.
Having the best drug offence lawyer is pivotal to a successful outcome for our client. It is also essential in large scale cases to consider whether restraining order and confiscation proceedings will arise from the prosecution, which inevitably adds another layer of complexity to the defense of our clients.
In cases where our clients are, themselves, suffering from drug addiction or substance abuse problems, we take an interpersonal approach, matching the client with the right mental health professional and counselling system in order to encourage rehabilitation and facilitate an exit from the criminal justice system.
Outlined below are the most common offences under the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances Act which come before the Courts and information in relation to the related penalties.
Why You Should Choose Galbally Parker as Your Drug Possession Lawyer
Legal advocacy is one of those fundamental rights that remains as the backbone of civilisation, even in the modern world. Don’t accidentally surrender your rights by neglecting qualified, dedicated legal defence from the oldest exclusive criminal defence firm in Melbourne. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.
Drugs of dependence
Drugs of dependence which give rise to criminal offences are detailed under Schedule 11 of the Act. The Schedule lists the drugs themselves and their requisite chemical components. The list is long and complex. However, in practicality, most criminal accused charged with drug offences are charged in relation to:
- methylamphetamine (“ice”);
- amphetamine (“speed”);
- diacetylmorphine (“heroin”);
- cocaine;
- cannabis or cannabinoids;
- ecstasy or 3,4-methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine (MDMA) – NB: ecstasy may also contain a combination of MDMA, amphetamine and fillers; and
- pseudoephedrine (a precursor chemical to the manufacture of drugs of dependence).
Relevant quantities of a drug of dependence
The seriousness of a drug offence depends on the drug and quantity. An accused person can be charged with trafficking (large commercial quantity, commercial quantity or basic trafficking), possession, use or administration to another person. The quantum of the drug alleged is the basis of the trafficking charge. Detailed below are the relevant amounts for each of the most commonly prosecuted drugs. Note: these amounts do not include circumstances where the drug is mixed with another substance – see Schedule 11 for the relevant amounts in these cases.
Methylamphetamine (“ice”)
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 100g
- Traffickable Quantity = 3g
- Small Quantity = 0.75g
Amphetamine (“speed”)
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 100g
- Traffickable Quantity = 3g
- Small Quantity = 0.75g
Diacetylmorphine (“heroin”)
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 250g
- Traffickable Quantity = 3g
- Small Quantity = 1g
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 250g
- Traffickable Quantity = 3g
- Small Quantity = 1g
- Large Commercial Quantity = 250kg or 1000 plants
- Commercial Quantity = 25kg or 100 plants
- Traffickable Quantity = 250g or 10 plants
- Small Quantity = 50g
Ecstasy or MDMA
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 100g
- Traffickable Quantity = 3g
- Small Quantity = 0.75g
- Large Commercial Quantity = 750g
- Commercial Quantity = 100g
- Traffickable Quantity = 20g
- Small Quantity = N/A
Trafficking in a drug or a drug of dependence
A drug trafficking offence occurs where:
- a drug is prepared for trafficking;
- a drug is manufactured;
- a drug is sold;
- there is an agreement to sell the drug;
- the drug is offered for sale; and
- the drug is in the possession of the accused for the purposes of sale.
For a drug trafficking prosecution to succeed there must, in essence, be a commercial element to the transaction. Where drugs are taken to a party, for example, and are shared around the party goers without them being purchased by the provider or offered for sale, this will arguably not be trafficking. However, it will constitute another offence, such as possession, supply or use.
Large commercial quantity
Any person who trafficks or attempts to traffick in a large commercial quantity of a drug of dependence is liable to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Drug trafficking in large quantities is dealt with very seriously by the Courts. Drug trafficking cases need careful attention to the evidence and forensics.
The baseline sentence for the offence is 14 years imprisonment. A baseline sentence is the sentence which the Victorian Parliament intends to be the median sentence imposed on offenders convicted of the baseline offences, in this case trafficking a large commercial quantity. In considering all of the matters relevant to the case and the offender, the sentencing court may take into account a number of other factors (mitigating or aggravating) and adjust the sentence accordingly. Baseline sentencing does not apply to offenders under the age of 18 years. This offence must be heard and determined in the County Court of Victoria.
Upon conviction for this offence the Court must make an order that the offender is a serious drug offender pursuant to section 89DI of the Sentencing Act, which has ramifications under the Confiscation Act for the restraint, confiscation or forfeiture of assets belonging or linked to the offender. It is imperative that, if you are charged with this offence and remanded in custody (which will automatically occur given the seriousness of the offence), a family member or friend contact an experienced criminal lawyer to discuss the matter. Please visit our contact us page for the details or our experienced criminal lawyers.
Commercial quantity
Any person who trafficks or attempts to traffick in a commercial quantity of a drug of dependence is liable to a maximum sentence of 25 years imprisonment. No baseline sentence applies to this offence. This offence must be heard and determined in the County Court of Victoria.
Drug Trafficking (simpliciter)
Any person who trafficks or attempts to traffick a traffickable amount of a drug of dependence is liable to a maximum sentence of 15 years. This offending is also known as drug dealing. This offence can be heard summarily the Magistrates’ Court, which attracts the lower sentencing jurisdiction. The Magistrates’ Court can sentence an accused to a maximum of 2 years imprisonment for a single offence and 5 years for multiple offences.
However, in circumstances where the accused is charged with trafficking or attempting to traffick a drug of dependence to a child, this offence is punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment. Under this Act, a child is any person under the age of 18.
There is also an offence of supply a drug of dependence to a child, which is punishable by a maximum sentence of 15 years imprisonment. A supply occurs in circumstances where there is no sale or agreement to sell. The very provision of a drug of dependence to a child is an offence, notwithstanding that there is no commercial element to it.
Possession of a drug of dependence
This offence is a summary offence, heard in the Magistrates’ Court, and is made in circumstances where a person is found in possession of a small amount of a drug of dependence. In circumstances where the court is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the accused was not in possession of the drug for the purposes of trafficking, the sentence is a financial penalty of not more than 30 penalty units. Visit our Infringements & Penalties page for further information on penalty units. Where the drug of dependence is cannabis, the penalty is reduced to 5 penalty units. Visit our Infringements & Penalties page for further information on penalty units.
In circumstances where the court is not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the accused was in possession of the drug for any other purpose other than for trafficking, the sentence is up to 400 penalty units and/or 5 years imprisonment.
Use drug of dependence
It is an offence to use or attempt to use a drug of dependence. Where the drug is cannabis, the sentence is a financial penalty of not more than 5 penalty units. In any other case, it is a financial penalty of not more than 30 penalty units, one year imprisonment or both.
There are many other drug offences within the Act, which are not included in this page, but which are less commonly prosecuted before the Courts. If you are charged with one of these offences, contact our experienced criminal lawyers who can advise you.
Obtaining bail can be an easy or difficult exercise in drug matters, depending on the drug offence(s) with which the accused is charged, their prior convictions, the Prosecution’s attitude to bail and whether there are any particular risk factors which might concern the Court that they will be an unacceptable risk if released on bail. Please see our Bail section for further information regarding these factors.
Relevant to bail for drug offences are the Court Integrated Services and Credit Bail Support Programs. Speak to a bail application lawyer for more information.
CISP – Court Integrated Services Program
The Magistrates’ Courts at Melbourne, Sunshine and Latrobe Valley have CISP. The program is designed to assist accused persons who suffer from particular issues, such as drug and alcohol abuse problems, to get the treatment they need, whilst supervising their progress on bail.
Credit bail support program
The Credit Bail Support Program is operated through the Magistrates’ Courts at Ballarat, Broadmeadows, Dandenong, Frankston, Geelong, Heidelberg, Moorabbin and Ringwood. It is a similar program to CISP and also, assists clients to access drug treatment and other referral services relevant to their situation.
Apart from the obvious custodial sentences which attach to serious drug offending, there are some treatment and rehabilitation focused sentencing dispositions which a court may impose on an offender who is suffering from a drug abuse problem.
Community Corrections Orders
With the abolition of suspended sentences and intensive correction orders, Parliament introduced Community Correction Orders (CCO’s), which are orders that can be served instead of, or in addition to, periods of imprisonment. CCO’s can include many conditions, including treatment conditions, community work, supervision, random drug and alcohol screening and curfew conditions. They can be imposed for up to 5 years in the Magistrates’ Court and up to 2 years in the County or Supreme Courts: see section 38. See our section on Breaches of CCO’s for further information on CCO’s.
Importantly, in 2015 the Court of Appeal handed down a guideline judgment in Boulton concerning the operation and application of CCO’s as a sentencing disposition and now opens the door for Courts to sentence offenders to CCO’s even for very serious offences, including drug offences. However, if you are charged with Commonwealth Offences, the Court of Appeal in Atanackovic ruled that Boulton does not apply. Even though you may receive a CCO for Commonwealth Offences, you cannot rely on the case as a Guideline Judgment.
Drug treatment order
Where an offender is sentenced to a serious offence in the Magistrates’ Court, which does not involve violence or sexual offending, an offender may be sentenced to a drug treatment order provided that:
- they are convicted of the offence;
- the court is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that he or she is dependent on drugs or alcohol and, this dependency contributed to their offending;
- the court considers that a sentence of imprisonment, to be served and not suspended, would be appropriate in the circumstances; and
- the court has received a drug treatment order assessment report in relation to the offender.
The Order operates in two parts: the treatment part and the custodial part. The Court must, under the order, impose a period of imprisonment, without a parole period, of no more than two years. However, the custodial portion of the Order will not be activated unless the Court otherwise orders. A Court may order that the custodial aspect of the Order be activated if the offender commits an offence punishable upon conviction by a period of imprisonment of more than 12 months.
The conditions of the treatment aspect of the order will include conditions that the offender not reoffend, that they attend the Drug Court when required, report to community corrections and undergo treatment. A complete list of the conditions is found in the Act. If the offender breaches any of the conditions in the order they may be brought back before the Court to be dealt with. Please refer to section 18ZL of the Sentencing Act for a list of the different actions a Court may take.
Contacts for support
Contact our Experienced Drug Offence Lawyers Now