For many people, their first interaction with the criminal justice system will be their only interaction. Often their matters resolve as a Plea and every accused person wants to make every effort to prepare and present the best possible Plea. They also want to know...
Criminal appeals are complex. Whether it is at the County Court of Court of Appeal level, criminal appeals require proper preparation and attention. When running appeals in the Court of Appeal, the situation is almost inevitably complicated by the fact that the...
The majority of criminal matters in Victoria start and remain in the Magistrates’ Court. They are referred to as summary matters and incorporate a range of offences from driving offences, theft, drug offences and minor violent offences. Summary Stream matters...
The criminal justice system is complex and can be confusing. If you are charged with a serious indictable offence, your matter will commence in the Magistrates’ Court and may conclude in a higher jurisdiction, such as the County Court or Supreme Court. There are...